Our One and Done Fundraiser was a huge success! Thank you to Amy Antunes and Elaina LaVallee for all their hard work planning and organizer the fundraiser and to all who purchased tickets. We exceeded our goal of $15,000 to fully find the PTA and provide incredible support to the school!
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Thermometer of One and Done Goal
Miss Zucker teachers her first graders about Hanukkah and they teach their fourth grade reading buddies how to play the dreidel game. Reading buddies is a time for student to engage with an older or younger friend and play the role of teacher or learner. In this case, our first graders were the teachers!
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Miss Zucker teachers her class about Hanukkah
First and Fourth GRaders play the dreidel game!
Playing the dreidel game
Playing the dreidel game
Fourth Grade Students at LaPerche visited Brookdale Assisted Living Facility today to bring some holiday cheer to the residents! LaPerche students care about their community. Thank you Mrs. Barrette for organizing this trip.
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Fourth Graders Singing
Fourth Graders Singing
Students Waiting to Sing
Each year, LaPerche teachers choose a shirt to purchase and wear as our theme. This year's shirt--In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND! What a world it would be if we all lived by that motto!
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Miss Zucker and Mr. Connell want you to be kind!
The District Wellness Committee spent time today looking at our strengths and areas of growth. Next up, food tasting opportunities for the elementary students. The program will begin in January at LaPerche and then expand to the other schools! More info to come...
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Dr. Monaco reviews the wellness checklist with the committee
Flexible seating options in Miss Zucker's first grade classroom! Comfortable students are engaged students--do you think they look comfortable as they read?
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
girls reading--one in laundry basket and one on beanbag
Mrs. Dorsey, Mr. Connell, Miss Feeley and Mrs. Hayward meet with Elisabeth Townsend from Best Buddies to discuss bringing this awesome partnership to LaPerche!
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Teachers meet to discuss Best Buddies
November student council run Morning Meeting today. Opportunities for public speaking are so important towards developing leaders!
over 5 years ago, Julie Dorsey
Fifth Graders Speak at Morning Meeting